EVE Online: 10 Most Expensive Ships (And How Much They Cost)
Given the fickle economy of Eve Online determining the cost of a ship is no small feat. The price of any given ship i…
March 04, 2021Given the fickle economy of Eve Online determining the cost of a ship is no small feat. The price of any given ship i…
March 04, 2021In EVE Online , it's not just enough to accrue the millions of ISK required to fly a battleship. You also have to…
March 04, 2021CCP Director of Product CCP Rattati gave a Q&A yesterday on the economics-focused Twitch stream of Oz_Eve. The f…
March 04, 2021EVE Online's player exploits are legendary within the video game world. Large scale wars, Cold War-esque spy thr…
March 04, 2021EVE Online had its own unique short squeeze last year - in time, you may even be able to trade between EVE's econ…
February 28, 2021An EVE Online player set up a fully-functional bank in 2009 before going on to become the CEO and rob it, exchanging th…
February 28, 2021" Eve Online is among the most player-driven MMOs you can play. It has mega-corporations that players run, and th…
February 28, 2021During my day job, I listen to a lot of talk radio. I also like to watch interviews on YouTube and this is what inspir…
February 28, 20211: What motivates you to Play Eve online specifically, compared to other games you may play? The vast, complex and be…
February 28, 2021Since I started doing these interviews, I have always wanted to know someone who play a pirate in game and wondered ho…
February 28, 2021I personally was in Eve University awhile ago before joining the current corporation I am in now. I had not found anoth…
February 28, 2021There are few games with a relationship between players and devs quite like EVE Online . EVE's playerbase is know…
February 28, 2021There are gamers who play MMORPGs for fun and camaraderie and then there are EVE Online players. It's not that the…
February 27, 2021The idea of citizen science isn’t a new one. Amateur scientists have been making important discoveries as far back as U…
February 27, 2021Oftentimes when we hear about CCP Games filing away yet another world record for their massively multiplayer game, EVE…
February 27, 2021