I personally was in Eve University awhile ago before joining the current corporation I am in now. I had not found another corporation and or group of people that had dedicated themselves to the new player experience than I did with Eve University. This Corporation is a must look at for any new player and also for any experienced players wanting to learn even more about anything Eve Online offers it's players.
I have linked the Eve University website and Wiki below the interview for you to check out!
What motivates you to Play Eve online specifically, compared to other games you may play?
Definitely the community. I have never found a community like it in any other game. I’ve made so many close friends in EVE from all across the world, and I’m lucky that I get to spend so much time hanging out with new people.
Who are your main characters and who are they?
My main character is Laura Karpinski, but I have lots of other characters. I have a bit of an addiction to the new player experience - its not unusual for me to roll a new character to try out the tutorial and the start of the game from the perception of a new player. That’s the most exciting part of EVE for me.
What do you characters do, or what positions do they hold?
Laura is the CEO of EVE University, a corporation aimed at teaching players new and old about EVE Online. Several of my alts are used in administrative roles to keep the corporation and the alliance, Ivy League, running smoothly.
What is your personal main driving point that makes you play these character(s)? And how do you approach it?
I love teaching new players and I find their excitement about the game infectious. That feeling you get when you lose your first ship, or get on your first kill, is pure adrenaline, and I love helping new players to experience that and share the experience with them. I just really love EVE and I want to help other people to love it too.
Do you have some sort of goal you want to reach for your character(s)?
My focus is on EVE University, I want to make it as successful as possible and continue the mission to educate players about EVE through the Uniwiki, classes, fleets and so on.
Are there any Rl factors as to why you play the characters as you do?
My hand-eye coordination and reaction speed are both pretty bad, so I’ve historically steered away from most PVP activities for that reason. For the same reason I tend to avoid FPS games and focus more on games that involve strategy and planning.
How old are you personally? If you don't mind me asking.
I’m in my early 30s.
Do any of your real life perspectives influence how you run your character(s)?
I always like to help people in real life, and I have personally experienced issues with my mental health and isolation. I know how important community and online friendship can be to people. So I like to try and foster a friendly and welcoming community where people can escape from whatever is going on in real life and just enjoy themselves.
Do you have any personal objectives you strive for while in your character(s)?
I’ve spent a long time doing PVE and space spreadsheets, so I’d like to try and improve my PVP skills. That’s more of a long term goal though, because I still have so much other stuff left to do.
Does your character(s) let you play out something that you wish you could do IRL?
Yes, being a space boss is awesome! Being responsible for a group of 2,000 people is something I don’t think I will ever have a chance to do in real life. It does have times when it is incredibly difficult, but it is a challenge I feel honoured to have been given the chance to take on.
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