It’s been over a month since I first drifted out into the open space of EVE Online . My growth in the game is noticeab…
April 07, 2021It’s been over a month since I first drifted out into the open space of EVE Online . My growth in the game is noticeab…
April 07, 2021CCP , maker of the unique sandbox MMO game EVE Online , has had plans for an EVE-based shooter game for well over a dec…
April 07, 2021It’s 2 p.m. on a Sunday, several months into a war that I’ve been fighting in as a remotely piloted vehicle operator.…
April 07, 2021Exploration is a time-honored profession in Eve Online . It encompasses a number of activities including hacking Relic …
April 07, 2021Even Eve fans are likely to have forgotten Project Nova, CCP's ambitious first-person shooter set in the Eve Online…
April 07, 2021In theory, player-owned starbases are a major component of EVE Online 's gameplay. In practice, the acronym for the…
April 07, 2021Date: Friday, 04/09/2021 Time: 19:00 DE Meeting Where: Amarr VIII (Oris) – Emperor Family Academy Location: The Low Sec…
April 06, 2021Attention capsuleers! Have you ever pointed your camera drones at some distant nebula or beautiful sight and thought “I…
April 04, 2021There are some multiplayer games out there that fill gamers with a worrisome, nagging dread. Those behemoths that milli…
April 04, 2021Last Time, on EVE Online 64-Bit Progress: The March 5th mass test 13 revealed some interesting memory and FPS concern…
April 03, 2021EVE has been torn apart by war between the game’s largest factions for close to nine months. The war is raging on every…
April 02, 2021I'll never forget my first real fight against another player in EVE Online —it had taken me, a fresh-faced noobie a…
April 02, 2021Stain-based Capsuleers, As part of our next Quadrant release, you can expect to see a new route opening up in the south…
April 01, 2021The expansive world of EVE Online has been kept alive with updates, and here are the biggest changes made to the game s…
March 31, 2021EVE Online is a game of numbers. You work through risk assessment, economic advantage, taxes and returns on investment.…
March 28, 2021