On Tuesday, EVE Online saw a flurry of activity as Naglfar-class dreadnoughts from the Minmatar Republic started to bombard the planet of Tanoo II, the capital planet of the Ammatar Mandate. The three Naglfar dreads were destroyed by capsuleers who rushed to the defense of Tanoo II and it led to some speculation as to what could possibly be going on behind the scenes at CCP Games, the developer behind EVE Online.
EVE Online's Major RP Events This Week Seem To Be Setting The Stage For An NPC Empire War
May 02, 2021
On Tuesday, EVE Online saw a flurry of activity as Naglfar-class dreadnoughts from the Minmatar Republic started to bombard the planet of Tanoo II, the capital planet of the Ammatar Mandate. The three Naglfar dreads were destroyed by capsuleers who rushed to the defense of Tanoo II and it led to some speculation as to what could possibly be going on behind the scenes at CCP Games, the developer behind EVE Online.
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